Oct 12, 2006 |
Back to GPS software work, since many attempts at the LCD 3310 communication were fails.
Here's the setup. I jumpered wires from the Netburner dev board to a breadboard for
a more reliable setup. Debugging output is sent to UART0 tied to the PC's COM1 line for display.
Here's a full picture of the mess. The green LED is in line with the active low Reset
signal for the GPS mod. I put together some code that parses the NMEA stream and looks
specifically for GSA, GSV, and RMC NMEA messages (these are Satellite and position related).
This may be all I need from the GPS. I'll have to think about it some more.
For a long time I had no fix and just watched the "No Fix Available" messages
scroll up the screen. Finally then, my code showed some nice parsed data. I used
the strtok function with a little formatting to the message data to get each individual
value for display. Next is to take this data and either display it directly, or store
it to some global structs/vars for additional processing.
Another stream of data. Now with a more consitent 3D fix. Look at the GMT time?!
I need to try sleeping again.
And here's the Nokia 3310 LCD Module. It has a SPI interface that runs off a 4MHz
serial clock. The Netburner (or should I say Coldfire?) has a QSPI interface that should
be functional with this. But no luck so far. Set all the registers like the manual said
and still no pixels lighting up. It may be fried from some early tests... but it's
pretty much impossible to tell. Some more LCDs are on order...