Placemark Functions

The following functions provide various routines for adding, removing, and updating placemarks in Google Earth. More...


int GE_GetPlacemarkCount ()
 Returns the current number of Placemarks added to the Google Earth map by the GE SDK.
BOOL GE_RefreshPlacemark (STRING placemark_name)
 Forces an update to the Placemark with the given placemark name.
BOOL GE_AddPlacemark (STRING name, STRING icon_url, double lat, double lon, double alt)
 Adds a new Placemark to Google Earth.
BOOL GE_AddPlacemarkEx (STRING name, STRING icon_url, double lat, double lon, double alt, STRING icon_color, double yaw)
 Adds a new Placemark to Google Earth with extra settings.
BOOL GE_DeletePlacemark (STRING placemark_name)
 Removes the Placemark with the given name from the Google Earth map.
BOOL GE_PlacemarkExists (STRING placemark_name, int *index)
 Determines if a Placemark with the given name has been added to Google Earth by the GE SDK.
BOOL GE_PlacemarkVisible (STRING placemark_name)
 Determines if the Placemark with the given name is currently visible in Google Earth.
BOOL GE_ShowPlacemark (STRING placemark_name)
 Sets the Placemark with the given name to visible.
BOOL GE_HidePlacemark (STRING placemark_name)
 Sets the Placemark with the given name to invisible.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkName (int index)
 Retrieves the name of the Placemark at the given index.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkName (STRING placemark_name, STRING new_name)
 Changes the name of a Placemark.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkSnippet (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves a Placemark's snippet.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkSnippet (STRING placemark_name, STRING snippet)
 Changes the snippet of the given Placemark.
int GE_GetPlacemarkSnippetMaxLines (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's snippet maxLines attribute value.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkSnippetMaxLines (STRING placemark_name, int max_lines)
 Changes the snippet maxLines attribute value for the given Placemark.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkKML (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the KML content that makes up the given Placemark.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkDescription (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the description of the given Placemark.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkDescription (STRING placemark_name, STRING description)
 Sets the description of the given Placemark.
double * GE_GetPlacemarkPosition (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves a 3-element array of the current geographical position of the given Placemark.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPosition (STRING placemark_name, double lat, double lon, double alt)
 Changes the current position of the given Placemark.
BOOL GE_MovePlacemark (STRING placemark_name, double lat, double lon, double alt)
 Moves a Placemark to a new point and updates the Placemark's path with the new point.
double * GE_GetPlacemarkOrientation (STRING placemark_name)
 Returns a 3-element array of the given Placemark's orientation angles.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkOrientation (STRING placemark_name, double roll_angle, double pitch_angle, double yaw_angle)
 Updates the current roll, pitch, and yaw orientation angles of the given Placemark.
double GE_GetPlacemarkRoll (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the current roll orientation angle of the given Placemark.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkRoll (STRING placemark_name, double roll_angle)
 Sets the roll orientation angle of the given Placemark.
double GE_GetPlacemarkPitch (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the current pitch orientation angle of the given Placemark.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPitch (STRING placemark_name, double pitch_angle)
 Sets the pitch orientation angle of the given Placemark.
double GE_GetPlacemarkYaw (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the current yaw orientation angle of the given Placemark.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkYaw (STRING placemark_name, double yaw_angle)
 Sets the yaw orientation angle of the given Placemark.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkIcon (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the URL of the given Placemark's icon file.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkIcon (STRING placemark_name, STRING icon_url)
 Sets the given Placemark's icon.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkIconColor (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's current icon color.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkIconColor (STRING placemark_name, STRING icon_color)
 Sets the given Placemark's icon color.
float GE_GetPlacemarkIconScale (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's icon scale.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkIconScale (STRING placemark_name, float icon_scale)
 Sets the given Placemark's icon scale.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkIconHotSpot (STRING placemark_name, double x, double y, int xunits, int yunits)
 Sets the given Placemark's icon <hotSpot> values.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkLabelColor (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's current label color.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkLabelColor (STRING placemark_name, STRING label_color)
 Sets the given Placemark's label color.
float GE_GetPlacemarkLabelScale (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's label scale.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkLabelScale (STRING placemark_name, float label_scale)
 Sets the given Placemark's label scale.
BOOL GE_GetPlacemarkExtrude (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's extrude state.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkExtrude (STRING placemark_name, BOOL extrude)
 Sets the given Placemark's extrude state.
int GE_GetPlacemarkAltMode (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the altitude mode of the given Placemark.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkAltMode (STRING placemark_name, int alt_mode)
 Sets the altitude mode of the given Placemark.
BOOL GE_PlacemarkPathVisible (STRING placemark_name)
 Determines if the given Placemark's path is currently visible in Google Earth.
BOOL GE_ShowPlacemarkPath (STRING placemark_name)
 Sets the Placemark path with the given Placemark name to visible.
BOOL GE_HidePlacemarkPath (STRING placemark_name)
 Sets the Placemark path with the given Placemark name to invisible.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkPathColor (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's current path color.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathColor (STRING placemark_name, STRING path_color)
 Sets the given Placemark's path color.
float GE_GetPlacemarkPathWidth (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's path width.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathWidth (STRING placemark_name, float path_width)
 Sets the given Placemark's path width.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkPathExtrudeColor (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's current path extrude color.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathExtrudeColor (STRING placemark_name, STRING path_extrude_color)
 Sets the given Placemark's path extrude color.
BOOL GE_GetPlacemarkPathExtrude (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's path extrude state.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathExtrude (STRING placemark_name, BOOL extrude)
 Sets the given Placemark's path extrude state.
int GE_GetPlacemarkPathAltMode (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the altitude mode of the given Placemark's path.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathAltMode (STRING placemark_name, int alt_mode)
 Sets the altitude mode of the given Placemark's path.
BOOL GE_GetPlacemarkPathTessellate (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the given Placemark's path tessellate state.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathTessellate (STRING placemark_name, BOOL tessellate)
 Sets the given Placemark's path tessellate state.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathParams (STRING placemark_name, BOOL extrude, int alt_mode, BOOL tessellate)
 Sets the given Placemark's path parameters.
int GE_GetPlacemarkPathPointCount (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the total count of geographical points for the given Placemark's path.
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkPathPoints (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves a string of all coordinate points for the given Placemark's path.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathPoints (STRING placemark_name, STRING points)
 Sets the coordinate points for the given Placemark's path.
BOOL GE_AddPlacemarkPathPoints (STRING placemark_name, STRING points)
 Adds geographical points specified in the points parameter to the given Placemark's path <coordinates> element.
double GE_GetPlacemarkPathDistance (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the distance of the given Placemark path.
int GE_GetViewMode ()
 Retrieves the current view mode of the given Placemark.
double * GE_GetPlacemark3DCameraView (STRING placemark_name)
 Returns a 3-element array of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemark3DCameraView (STRING placemark_name, double delta_roll, double delta_pitch, double delta_yaw)
 Sets the 3D camera view of the given Placemark.
double GE_GetPlacemark3DCameraPitch (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the current pitch angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemark3DCameraPitch (STRING placemark_name, double delta_pitch)
 Sets the pitch angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.
double GE_GetPlacemark3DCameraYaw (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the current yaw angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemark3DCameraYaw (STRING placemark_name, double delta_yaw)
 Sets the yaw angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.
double GE_GetPlacemark3DCameraRoll (STRING placemark_name)
 Retrieves the current roll angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.
BOOL GE_SetPlacemark3DCameraRoll (STRING placemark_name, double delta_roll)
 Sets the roll angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.
BOOL GE_ResetPlacemark3DCamera (STRING placemark_name)
 Resets the 3D camera view of the given Placemark so that the camera orientation angles are pointing in the direction of the Placemark's orientation.
BOOL GE_SwitchTo3DView (STRING placemark_name)
 Changes the current view mode of the given Placemark to 3D view.
BOOL GE_ReturnFrom3DView ()
 Changes the current view mode of the given Placemark to 2D mode.

Detailed Description

The following functions provide various routines for adding, removing, and updating placemarks in Google Earth.

Placemarks consist of a labeled icon overlay and a path for moving placemarks. The placemark object is consistent with the KML <Placemark> definition and contains functions to set most of the <Placemark> attributes. Placemarks are useful for identifying a particular entity on the Earth, such as an aircraft or a building. When tracking the position of an object such as a vehicle or airplane, the placemark object is an ideal choice to use. Identification of all Placemark objects is done using the Placemark's name. The name for each placemark must always be unique.

In addition to an icon and path, the GE SDK provides a 3D view feature for each placemark. When switching to 3D mode, the camera view in Google Earth is set to a specified placemark's straight ahead view. For example, if the placemark specified is an aircraft, the 3D view mode would adjust the camera to view out of the cockpit. The view is by default set to the current position and roll, pitch, and yaw orientation angles. The 3D view parameters may be adjusted to provide a controlled 3D viewing experience from the position of the specified placemark.

Function Documentation

int GE_GetPlacemarkCount (  ) 

Returns the current number of Placemarks added to the Google Earth map by the GE SDK.

The current number of Placemarks added to Google Earth; -1 otherwise
BOOL GE_RefreshPlacemark ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Forces an update to the Placemark with the given placemark name.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark to update
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_AddPlacemark ( STRING  name,
STRING  icon_url,
double  lat,
double  lon,
double  alt 

Adds a new Placemark to Google Earth.

GE_AddPlacemark will create a new placemark named name, with the image icon specified by the file path icon_url at the point defined by lat, lon, and alt.

name The unique name for the Placemark
icon_url The path or URL to an image to be used by this icon
lat Latitude in degrees of the Placemark
lon Longitude in degrees of the Placemark
alt Altitude in meters of the Placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_AddPlacemarkEx ( STRING  name,
STRING  icon_url,
double  lat,
double  lon,
double  alt,
STRING  icon_color,
double  yaw 

Adds a new Placemark to Google Earth with extra settings.

GE_AddPlacemarkEx will create a new placemark named name, with the image icon specified by the file path icon_url at the point defined by lat, lon, and alt. In addition the icon color and icon heading is set with the icon_color and yaw parameters, respectively.

name The unique name for the Placemark
icon_url The path or URL to an image to be used by this icon
lat Latitude in degrees of the Placemark
lon Longitude in degrees of the Placemark
alt Altitude in meters of the Placemark
icon_color Color string of the Placemark
yaw Yaw angle in degrees of the Placemark's icon
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_DeletePlacemark ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Removes the Placemark with the given name from the Google Earth map.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark to remove
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_PlacemarkExists ( STRING  placemark_name,
int *  index 

Determines if a Placemark with the given name has been added to Google Earth by the GE SDK.

If the function returns TRUE, then the index parameter will contain a value that represents the index into the GE SDK internal Placemark collection.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
index The index into the internal Placemark collection where placemark_name exists if found
TRUE if a Placemark with name placemark_name exists in the internal Placemark collection; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_PlacemarkVisible ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Determines if the Placemark with the given name is currently visible in Google Earth.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
TRUE if the given Placemark is visible; FALSE if not visible
BOOL GE_ShowPlacemark ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Sets the Placemark with the given name to visible.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_HidePlacemark ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Sets the Placemark with the given name to invisible.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkName ( int  index  ) 

Retrieves the name of the Placemark at the given index.

index The index into the internal Placemarks collection
The name of the Placemark at the given index; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkName ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  new_name 

Changes the name of a Placemark.

placemark_name The name of an existing Placemark to be renamed
new_name The new name to be given to the Placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkSnippet ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves a Placemark's snippet.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
The snippet of the given Placemark; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkSnippet ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  snippet 

Changes the snippet of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
snippet The snippet to be applied to the given Placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
int GE_GetPlacemarkSnippetMaxLines ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's snippet maxLines attribute value.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
The snippet maxLines attribute value; -1 otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkSnippetMaxLines ( STRING  placemark_name,
int  max_lines 

Changes the snippet maxLines attribute value for the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
max_lines The value to be applied to the maxLines attribute
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkKML ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the KML content that makes up the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A string containing the KML data of the given Placemark; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkDescription ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the description of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
The current description for the given Placemark; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkDescription ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  description 

Sets the description of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
description The description to apply to the Placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
double* GE_GetPlacemarkPosition ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves a 3-element array of the current geographical position of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A 3-element array of the following decimal values: [latitude, longitude, altitude] where latitude and longitude are expressed in degrees and altitude is expressed in meters; NULL otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPosition ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  lat,
double  lon,
double  alt 

Changes the current position of the given Placemark.


GE_SetPlacemarkPosition does not add a new point to the Placemark's path. The Placemark's path is built using the GE_MovePlacemark function.
placemark_name The name of the Placemark
lat The latitude in degrees
lon The longitude in degrees
alt The altitude in meters
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_MovePlacemark ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  lat,
double  lon,
double  alt 

Moves a Placemark to a new point and updates the Placemark's path with the new point.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
lat Latitude in degrees
lon Longitude in degrees
alt Altitude in meters
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
double* GE_GetPlacemarkOrientation ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Returns a 3-element array of the given Placemark's orientation angles.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A 3-element array of the following decimal values: [roll, pitch, yaw] where each value is expressed in degrees; NULL otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkOrientation ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  roll_angle,
double  pitch_angle,
double  yaw_angle 

Updates the current roll, pitch, and yaw orientation angles of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
roll_angle The roll angle in degrees
pitch_angle The pitch angle in degrees
yaw_angle The yaw angle in degrees
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
double GE_GetPlacemarkRoll ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the current roll orientation angle of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
The Placemark's current roll orientation angle; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkRoll ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  roll_angle 

Sets the roll orientation angle of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
roll_angle Roll angle in degrees
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
double GE_GetPlacemarkPitch ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the current pitch orientation angle of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
The Placemark's current pitch orientation angle; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPitch ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  pitch_angle 

Sets the pitch orientation angle of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
pitch_angle pitch angle in degrees
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
double GE_GetPlacemarkYaw ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the current yaw orientation angle of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
The Placemark's current yaw orientation angle; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkYaw ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  yaw_angle 

Sets the yaw orientation angle of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
yaw_angle Yaw angle in degrees
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkIcon ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the URL of the given Placemark's icon file.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
The URL of the given Placemark's icon file; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkIcon ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  icon_url 

Sets the given Placemark's icon.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
icon_url The URL of an image file
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkIconColor ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's current icon color.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A string representation of the given Placemark's icon color formatted as aabbggrr, where aa is opacity, bb is blue, gg is green, and rr is red; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkIconColor ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  icon_color 

Sets the given Placemark's icon color.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
icon_color A string representing the icon's color formatted as aabbggrr, where aa is opacity, bb is blue, gg is green, and rr is red.
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise.
float GE_GetPlacemarkIconScale ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's icon scale.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A decimal value of the Placemark's icon scale; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkIconScale ( STRING  placemark_name,
float  icon_scale 

Sets the given Placemark's icon scale.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
icon_scale A decimal value to be applied to the Placemark's icon scale
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkIconHotSpot ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  x,
double  y,
int  xunits,
int  yunits 

Sets the given Placemark's icon <hotSpot> values.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
x The x-component of the anchor point
y The y-component of the anchor point
xunits Units applied to the x component (fraction(0), pixels(1), or insetPixels(2))
yunits Units applied to the y component (fraction(0), pixels(1), or insetPixels(2))
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkLabelColor ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's current label color.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A string representation of the given Placemark's label color formatted as aabbggrr, where aa is opacity, bb is blue, gg is green, and rr is red; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkLabelColor ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  label_color 

Sets the given Placemark's label color.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
label_color A string representing the label's color formatted as aabbggrr, where aa is opacity, bb is blue, gg is green, and rr is red
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
float GE_GetPlacemarkLabelScale ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's label scale.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A decimal value of the Placemark's label scale; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkLabelScale ( STRING  placemark_name,
float  label_scale 

Sets the given Placemark's label scale.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
label_scale A decimal value to be applied to the Placemark's label scale
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_GetPlacemarkExtrude ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's extrude state.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
TRUE if the given Placemark's <extrude> value is 1; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkExtrude ( STRING  placemark_name,
BOOL  extrude 

Sets the given Placemark's extrude state.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
extrude The state to be applied to the given Placemark's <extrude> element
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
int GE_GetPlacemarkAltMode ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the altitude mode of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
Altitude mode for the given Placemark (relativeToGround (0), absolute (1), or clampToGround (2)); -1 otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkAltMode ( STRING  placemark_name,
int  alt_mode 

Sets the altitude mode of the given Placemark.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
alt_mode Altitude mode for the given Placemark (relativeToGround (0), absolute (1), or clampToGround (2))
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_PlacemarkPathVisible ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Determines if the given Placemark's path is currently visible in Google Earth.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
TRUE if the given Placemark's path is visible; FALSE if not visible
BOOL GE_ShowPlacemarkPath ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Sets the Placemark path with the given Placemark name to visible.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_HidePlacemarkPath ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Sets the Placemark path with the given Placemark name to invisible.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkPathColor ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's current path color.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A string representation of the given Placemark's path color formatted as aabbggrr, where aa is opacity, bb is blue, gg is green, and rr is red; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathColor ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  path_color 

Sets the given Placemark's path color.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
path_color A string representing the path's color formatted as aabbggrr, where aa is opacity, bb is blue, gg is green, and rr is red.
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
float GE_GetPlacemarkPathWidth ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's path width.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A decimal value representing the Placemark path's width; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathWidth ( STRING  placemark_name,
float  path_width 

Sets the given Placemark's path width.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
path_width The width of the path in pixels
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkPathExtrudeColor ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's current path extrude color.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A string representation of the given Placemark's path extrude color formatted as aabbggrr, where aa is opacity, bb is blue, gg is green, and rr is red; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathExtrudeColor ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  path_extrude_color 

Sets the given Placemark's path extrude color.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
path_extrude_color A string representing the path's extrude color formatted as aabbggrr, where aa is opacity, bb is blue, gg is green, and rr is red
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_GetPlacemarkPathExtrude ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's path extrude state.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
TRUE if the given Placemark's path <extrude> value is 1; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathExtrude ( STRING  placemark_name,
BOOL  extrude 

Sets the given Placemark's path extrude state.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
extrude The state to be applied to the given Placemark's path <extrude> element
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
int GE_GetPlacemarkPathAltMode ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the altitude mode of the given Placemark's path.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
Altitude mode for the given Placemark's path (relativeToGround (0), absolute (1), or clampToGround (2)); -1 otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathAltMode ( STRING  placemark_name,
int  alt_mode 

Sets the altitude mode of the given Placemark's path.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
alt_mode Altitude mode for the given Placemark's path (relativeToGround (0), absolute (1), or clampToGround (2))
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_GetPlacemarkPathTessellate ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the given Placemark's path tessellate state.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
TRUE if the given Placemark's path <tessellate> value is 1; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathTessellate ( STRING  placemark_name,
BOOL  tessellate 

Sets the given Placemark's path tessellate state.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
tessellate The state to be applied to the given Placemark's path <tessellate> element
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathParams ( STRING  placemark_name,
BOOL  extrude,
int  alt_mode,
BOOL  tessellate 

Sets the given Placemark's path parameters.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
extrude The state to be applied to the given Placemark's path <extrude> element
alt_mode Altitude mode for the given Placemark's path (relativeToGround (0), absolute (1), or clampToGround (2))
tessellate The state to be applied to the given Placemark's path <tessellate> element.
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
int GE_GetPlacemarkPathPointCount ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the total count of geographical points for the given Placemark's path.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
The current count of points in the Placemark's path; -1 otherwise
STRING GE_GetPlacemarkPathPoints ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves a string of all coordinate points for the given Placemark's path.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A string of the Placemark's path <coordinates> element; otherwise the empty string ("") is returned
BOOL GE_SetPlacemarkPathPoints ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  points 

Sets the coordinate points for the given Placemark's path.


GE_SetPlacemarkPathPoints will overwrite the existing path points with the points string.
placemark_name The name of the Placemark
points A set of geographical points to be applied to the given Placemark's path <coordinates> element
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_AddPlacemarkPathPoints ( STRING  placemark_name,
STRING  points 

Adds geographical points specified in the points parameter to the given Placemark's path <coordinates> element.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
points A set of geographical points to be applied to the given Placemark's path <coordinates> element
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
double GE_GetPlacemarkPathDistance ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the distance of the given Placemark path.

The path distance is returned in miles.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
The distance of the Placemark's path in miles; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
int GE_GetViewMode (  ) 

Retrieves the current view mode of the given Placemark.

The view mode can be either 2D or 3D. 2D view consists of the standard view presented by the Google Earth interface. 3D view represents the view as seen from the perspective of the current Placemark's position and orientation. An example 3D view for an aircraft Placemark would be the view seen from the cockpit.

Current view mode (VIEW_2D (0) or VIEW_3D (1)); -1 otherwise
double* GE_GetPlacemark3DCameraView ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Returns a 3-element array of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.

placemark_name The name of the Placemark
A 3-element array of the following decimal values: [roll, pitch, yaw] where each value is expressed in degrees; NULL otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemark3DCameraView ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  delta_roll,
double  delta_pitch,
double  delta_yaw 

Sets the 3D camera view of the given Placemark.


The camera view will only be updated if the current view mode is 3D.
placemark_name The name of the placemark
delta_roll The number of degrees to move the camera view roll angle
delta_pitch The number of degrees to move the camera view pitch angle
delta_yaw The number of degrees to move the camera view yaw angle
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
double GE_GetPlacemark3DCameraPitch ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the current pitch angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.

placemark_name The name of the placemark
The pitch angle in degrees; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemark3DCameraPitch ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  delta_pitch 

Sets the pitch angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.

placemark_name The name of the placemark
delta_pitch The number of degrees to move the camera view pitch angle
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
double GE_GetPlacemark3DCameraYaw ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the current yaw angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.

placemark_name The name of the placemark
The yaw angle in degrees; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemark3DCameraYaw ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  delta_yaw 

Sets the yaw angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.

placemark_name The name of the placemark
delta_yaw The number of degrees to move the camera view yaw angle
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
double GE_GetPlacemark3DCameraRoll ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Retrieves the current roll angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.

placemark_name The name of the placemark
The roll angle in degrees; BAD_DOUBLE otherwise
BOOL GE_SetPlacemark3DCameraRoll ( STRING  placemark_name,
double  delta_roll 

Sets the roll angle of the given Placemark's 3D camera view.

placemark_name The name of the placemark
delta_roll The number of degrees to move the camera view roll angle
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_ResetPlacemark3DCamera ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Resets the 3D camera view of the given Placemark so that the camera orientation angles are pointing in the direction of the Placemark's orientation.

placemark_name The name of the placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_SwitchTo3DView ( STRING  placemark_name  ) 

Changes the current view mode of the given Placemark to 3D view.

placemark_name The name of the placemark
TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise
BOOL GE_ReturnFrom3DView (  ) 

Changes the current view mode of the given Placemark to 2D mode.

TRUE if the function executed properly; FALSE otherwise

Generated on Wed Sep 16 23:50:34 2009 for Google Earth SDK by  doxygen 1.6.1